Into the Garden with Leslie

This reminds me that the life inside us yearns to grow. Even when we are faced with obstacles and we’re surrounded by barriers (which in this case was his compost bin), if we learn lessons and focus, we can persevere and grow through it


Nurturing Your Mind and Plants With TikTok’s ‘Most Popular Gardener’.Marcus Bridgewater – or Garden Marcus as he’s known on social media – gained viral fame during the pandemic thanks to his blend of gardening hacks and mindfulness philosophy. We hear from the Houston-based gardener ahead of his guest lecture at the University of the Ozarks this week.

Wild Ideas Worth Living

Growing a Garden with Marcus Bridgewater.When facing struggles in his own life, Marcus Bridgewater found solace in the garden. By taking care of plants, he was inspired to take better care of himself. Now, Marcus is sharing his garden-inspired insights with the masses on social media. As one of the nation’s most noteworthy plant influencers or “plantfluencers”, Marcus has gone viral on platforms like TikTok. He shares tips, tricks, and insights on fostering plant growth and self-growth.

Gone Wild Show

In this feel-good episode, I chat with Choice Forward co-founder and social media sensation, Garden Marcus, about all things plants and positivity — to dish on all things plants and positivity — from tips for growing happy houseplants to ways we can cultivate more kindness, patience, and positivity in our lives and communities during this challenging time.

90.1 FM WABE

Since its debut in 2017, the social media app TikTok has garnered over 800 million users worldwide. Its popularity has grown substantially since the COVID-19 outbreak.